Saturday, October 13, 2007


Unwheedly Two is a giant dicycle created by Dave Hershberger and Matthew Blain.

Riding it is an exercise in cooperation... and a lot of fun.


Anonymous said...

I look your work and i very happy to see this on net. Few weeks before i imagine the thinks like your mobile not so abouted. Yours it beautyfull.
I am a artiste in Belgium and i already do few thingts on water. You can look on my sit web and also on daylimotion search Faramouz.
My question i woudl like to get rings like this 2 of them for my show our to insperad from you for to do it here in Belgium.
I imagine my rings with instalation of musique. They can on the same time the move on water the make music.
I have not a lot of money but i can imagine alredy in materiel and time it money. Can you tell me how much it cost?
Or if i can use your imagination and give a little by my ,i will write your name for inspiration on the publich paper for or show.
Excuse my orthographe syntaxe and all for my englich and gladnees to see your work and to writte with you.
Laurent Taquin. and and dailymotion vidéo and look faramouz.
Nice to meet you

Matthew Blain said...

Farmaouz--we built the wheels. See the post on construction of unwheeldy to see how. The rims are 2" aluminum tubing, bent to circular shape.